Literacy with An Attitude- Educating working -class children in their own self -interest

   Every child deserves an education, in being educated it will foster critical thinking about complex

 ideas in helping make life decision. While the poor working class student received instruction on

functional literacy that taught compliance.  The student with privilege background receiving teaching

powerful literary that promoted leadership and independence.  When it came for education it was

not equal, it was separated and distinct according to a person social class.
After reading this whole article about the working class.  I thought about what is the poverty level in

the United States.  I found an article from American Community Survey (issue Sept 2013) it states

" Nationally between 2000 and 2012 the present people in poverty increases from 12.2% to 15.9% .

While the number increased from 33,3 million to 48.8 million."  I am in shock as I sit writing this

paper. How can people survive?

 Teachers teach students from various background including students who's parents are from

different cultures.  Most teachers have to teach from curriculum they receive or they need to teach

on  a content.  I enjoy watching my colleagues teach what they like to see how students engage

intellectually, and many of them bring new ideas or directions that benefit the students.

Finn states " powerful literacy leads  to position of power and authority functional literacy is the

mere ability to meet the reading and writing demands" "of daily life while it makes a person"

"productive and dependable" " it assures that this person is not troublesome." (ix)

  In the education, we need the student to be critical thinkers and have on social democracy be just

for all our citizens.  Our students who truly are the future need to take care of our environment, speak

always, what is life sustaining for each other.  I did find this article challenging to write about at times

I needed to put it aside and go back and write.  I hope I accomplished what i was suppose to.


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