
  1. Assignment A: Privilege,Power and Difference

    As I reflect on this article the first piece was I noticed was the question on page 1 "Can't we just get along?" We as a society end up having problems with" racism"and "discrimination". We do not accept people for our different make ups. According to Johnston we need to look pass our differences and look at how we are similar. Johnston continues to say that we need to "treat each other with decency and respect and appreciate if not support the best we have in us."
    Johnston states that we have "a legacy that we all and inherited" and we pass down from generation to generation." (Johnston page 15) A my former place of employment I saw people judged by their color, occupation etc. We need to look instead with caring and loving hearts to all people.
    Looking further at the African American women knowing that Johnston was white, he would have better "privileges" if he entering a store to buy something with a credit card. He most likely would get waited on faster. He stated that she may fear walking to her car at night. He wanted to question her "Can we just talk about these things?'' he didn't talk to her about these things because it was so uncomfortable. (Johnston page 8)
    While looking at Viola in Shakespeare a women played a man's part this was her dream, so as a female she played the role of a man. I think of my school where a girl play Hamlet in our school play. Hamlet is a man's role. But this student did a great job and got the role.
    I take away the main point article by Johnston was discrimination.

    1. The piece in the article surrounding his interaction with his AA female friend was quite sad to me. Sad that we still undeniably and truly "by accident" have these thoughts.


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